6 more days to Xmas! hehe~
last wk been a hell of suffering, cos i was sick the whole wk! lying on the bed 24 hrs everyday, and eating porridge all 3 meals for 6 days! i reali felt like not eating towards de end... :( terrible! glad im feelin much better now :) can smile already! hehe.. =p
scary! i had many diff types of med to eat! *faint*

the prev event - my co's D & D was funnnn! altho i din win any prizes lar :/ we dressed ourselves, but... we left our hair as it is! i tout our hair made de pics totally "off". wad a pity! *sob* towards the end, the Jap managers performed this "guo mei mei" dance, totally made us luff it off! *gosh* they were in skirts! and de dance was simply humourous!! some of the shots tat nite:
this is my boss! hehe..
hubby picked me up thereafter and we headed to Xin Wang for supper (!!). the guys had their supper =p i was too full, hehe. got to bed ard 2am.. feelin totally shag out! :(
oh yea, over de wkend, i attempted making muffins =p i din like it, guess it was too buttery for my taste buds. but hubby say it wasnt too bad, and so he finished it :p *gee*
we were at Suntec on Saturday and wanted to rest our legs.. so decided to 'stopover' @ Ben & Jerry. believe it or not, we have not tried their ice cream before! tho we did hear raves bout how good their ice cream is, we jus din try, lol. so finally.. a chance came..
disappointment sets in.. lol..
we tout.. it was not worth the money at all! maybe we chose the wrong flavour :/ we agreed tat venezia ice cream tasted much better! heh.
on a happier note.. bonus was credited last wk! *yay* so happy with the bonus, its so much more than i expected! makes me more motivated to work even harder now =p *happy*
few wks ago, we also took some studio photos. been wanting to do tat since hubby's commisioned nite, but he wasnt able to get de uniform out of camp. heng ah, he had to wear for his boss's wedding few wks ago, so.. we took the chance to quickly chop chop tk photo! hehe.
hubby like this, he made it into 8R =p
i particularly like this shot, hehe.
i tout the backgrd looks like some "sunset" colour.. which matched our planned dressing of "beachwear" :)
hubby surprise me with this watch :) to replace the spoilt one :) i love the face.. i love the belt.. i love the colour.. wad more can i still say? he say its my super early birthday present! heh. it cost him... a few dollars to a 4-digit, oops =p thank u precious!
counting down to de wkend.. meetin de gals for dinner! *excited* den a long long wkend with hubby! *cheers*
Have a good Xmas peeps! =)
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